French Made Easy: 28-Day Grammar Challenge ✒️⭐️

Boost Your French Sentence Skills in 28 Days!

Finding it hard to make full sentences in French? I’ve got just what you need! Join my brand new challenge, starting May 1st, and begin building better French sentences with daily prompts and personalized feedback.

(or 4 monthly payments of $40)


Ever felt like making full sentences in French is super tricky?

You’re not alone!

Great news: Getting better at crafting sentences and boosting your French confidence is totally doable.

After years of teaching French online, I’ve guided hundreds of beginners just like you. And I’d love to help you too.

Starting May 1st, I’m launching a brand new way to work with me, the French Made Easy: 28-Day Grammar Challenge. ✒️⭐️

I designed this challenge with one specific goal: to make you more confident in forming complete French sentences, giving you personalized feedback to improve faster.

By the end of May, you’ll:

✔️ Be way better at making your own sentences in French.

✔️ Get personal tips from me to fix your mistakes and improve your sentences.

✔️ Find it easier to practice French every day.

What’s Included When You Join:

Weekly PDF Guides: Each week, you'll receive a PDF guide in your inbox. Each guide is filled with grammar prompts that build on previous weeks, helping you progress step-by-step.

Exclusive Submission Link: Use this special link to submit your daily responses. This allows you to receive personalized feedback from me on your exercises.

Personalized Feedback: You'll get direct feedback from me, Mathilde, twice a week to help guide your improvement and make sure you're on the right track.


This Challenge is Perfect For French Beginners Who Want to:

✔️ Be more confident in your French sentence-making skills.

✔️ Have a routine you can stick to for practicing French daily.

✔️ Receive personal feedback that addresses your specific challenges.

(or 4 monthly payments of $40)

Frequently Asked Questions

  • No worries! The daily prompts are designed to take just 15-30 minutes. Plus, you get feedback from me twice a week, so you can manage your time easily and still improve a lot.

  • Yes, of course! I give feedback on your sentences and help you understand how to improve. This means you get personal help from me wherever you need it.

  • Yes, it’s ideal for beginners who know basic French words and are ready to start forming sentences.

  • You just need internet access, and a device to open PDF files and Google Docs. It's really that simple!

  • You'll receive a new PDF guide at the start of each week filled with grammar practice prompts, a special link to submit your daily exercises, and feedback from me twice a week. You'll become more confident in your French skills through daily practice.

  • I do not offer refunds once the challenge has started, as all participants start receiving materials and personalized feedback gradually throughout the course. If you have any doubts or questions, feel free to ask them before joining. I'm here to help!



Ready to improve your French skills and build better sentences?

(or 4 monthly payments of $40)