122 - How to Conjugate ‘Vouloir’ (To Want) in French [Future Tense]


Confused about conjugating ‘vouloir’ (to want) in the future tense? In this episode, I’ll break down the future tense conjugation of ‘vouloir’ (to want).

After the lesson, head over to the French Made Easy Exercise Library to practice!

Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.


Intro: Welcome to the French Made Easy podcast, where I give you all the basics you need to speak French clearly and confidently. I'm your host, Mathilde, and I'm a French teacher, mumpreneur, and bread and cheese lover. Join me as I dive into all things French for beginners, and deliver to you bite-sized and easy-to-follow lessons every Tuesday. Let's get started, "on commence"!

Hello everyone, bonjour à tous! 💕 Welcome back to the French Made Easy podcast. This is episode number 122, numéro 122!

So, we're going back to our series on French conjugation in the future tense, and today we're talking about the verb ‘vouloir’. In English, that means ‘to want’. So, we'll learn how to say 'I will want, you will want, he will want and so on. Now, if you don't know the verb ‘vouloir’ yet, you should start with the present tense first. Check out episode number 34 of the French Made Easy podcast. It's a good idea to know the present tense before you learn the future tense.

If this is your first time here, make sure you have your lesson's cheat sheet ready so you can follow along. After you finish the lesson, you can head over to the French Made Easy library to download the episode's exercises and practice what you learned today. It's all free! You can find all the links in the episode notes on your podcast platform.

Now, let's learn the simple future tense of ‘vouloir’. Repeat after me:

  • je voudrai (I will want)

  • tu voudras (you will want, informal)

  • il voudra (he will want)

  • elle voudra (she will want)

  • on voudra (we will want, informal)

  • nous voudrons (we will want)

  • vous voudrez (you will want, plural or formal)

  • ils voudront (they, masculine, will want)

  • elles voudront (they, feminine, will want)

Now, let's use "vouloir" in some sentences:

  • Je voudrai probablement essayer la cuisine locale pendant mon voyage. 🥘🍷 (I will probably want to try the local cuisine during my trip.)

  • Est-ce que tu voudras que je vienne te chercher à la gare demain matin? 🚉 (Will you want me to pick you up from the train station tomorrow morning?)

  • Il / Elle ne voudra probablement pas aller à ce concert. 🎤 (He/She probably won't want to go to that concert.)

  • On voudra toujours se souvenir de ce moment. 🌟 (We'll always want to remember this moment.)

  • Nous voudrons plus d'informations avant de prendre une décision. 📝 (We will want more information before making a decision.)

    (📌 Oups, I skipped recording this sentence! Sorry! 📌)

  • Qu'est-ce que vous voudrez faire demain? 🤷‍♂️ (What will you want to do tomorrow?)

  • Ils / Elles voudront certainement voir le match en direct. ⚽📺 (They will certainly want to watch the match live.)

Before we finish this episode, let's review quickly the conjugation:

  • je voudrai (I will want)

  • tu voudras (you will want, informal)

  • il voudra (he will want)

  • elle voudra (she will want)

  • on voudra (one will want, or informal we will want)

  • nous voudrons (we will want, formal or plural)

  • vous voudrez (you will want, plural or formal)

  • ils voudront (they, masculine, will want)

  • elles voudront (they, feminine, will want)

And that's it for today! I hope this was helpful. Don't forget to go to the FME Exercise Library for more practice. Link in the episode notes. I'll talk to you in the next episode. À bientôt! 💖

Mathilde KienComment