124 - 15 Halloween Words in French


Ready to dive into the spooky season? 🎃 In this episode, I'll introduce you to 15 Halloween-related words in French, such as 'un fantôme' (a ghost) and 'une sorcière' (a witch).

After the lesson, head over to the French Made Easy Exercise Library to practice!

Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.


Intro: Welcome to the French Made Easy podcast, where I give you all the basics you need to speak French clearly and confidently. I'm your host, Mathilde, and I'm a French teacher, mumpreneur, and bread and cheese lover. Join me as I dive into all things French for beginners, and deliver to you bite-sized and easy-to-follow lessons every Tuesday. Let's get started, "on commence"!

Hello everyone! Bonjour à tous! Welcome to the French Made Easy podcast. This is episode number 124, numéro 124!

Today is a French vocabulary episode, we're diving into the Halloween spirit. 🎃👻🌙🦇 We'll learn 15 words related to Halloween in French. Plus, I'll give you some example sentences for context.

Before we start, as always, if you're new to the podcast, please make sure you have your lesson's cheat sheet ready, so you can see the spelling of the words while you listen. And when you finish this episode, you can head over to the French Made Easy Exercise Library to download your lesson's exercises and practice what you've learned today. You'll find all the download links in the episode notes.

Alright, now onto our Halloween vocabulary. Please repeat after me to practice your pronunciation.

🧙‍♀️ la sorcière (witch)

  • La sorcière vole sur son balai la nuit. (The witch flies on her broomstick at night.)

🧙‍♂️ le sorcier (wizard)

  • Le sorcier prépare une potion dans son chaudron. (The wizard is preparing a potion in his cauldron.)

👻 le fantôme (ghost)

  • Le manoir est habité par un fantôme. (The manor is inhabited by a ghost.)

🎃 la citrouille (pumpkin)

  • J'ai acheté une citrouille pour faire une lanterne. (I bought a pumpkin to make a lantern.)

🧛‍♂️ le vampire (vampire)

  • Le vampire se cache avant le lever du soleil. (The vampire hides before sunrise.)

👾 le monstre (monster)

  • Pour Halloween, il veut se déguiser en monstre. (For Halloween, he wants to dress up as a monster.)

🕸 la toile d'araignée (spiderweb)

  • La vieille maison est couverte de toiles d'araignée. (The old house is covered in spiderwebs.)

🦇 la chauve-souris (bat)

  • La chauve-souris sort de sa grotte à la tombée de la nuit. (The bat comes out of its cave at dusk.)

🐺 le loup-garou (werewolf)

  • Il devient loup-garou à la pleine lune. (He becomes a werewolf at the full moon.)

🧟‍♀️ le zombie (zombie)

  • Ce film d’horreur parle d'une invasion de zombies. (This horror movie is about a zombie invasion.)

🍬 le bonbon (candy)

  • Les enfants aiment recevoir des bonbons à Halloween. (Children like to receive candy on Halloween.)

🎭 les déguisements (costumes)

  • Les déguisements sont prêts pour la fête d’Halloween. (The costumes are ready for the Halloween party.)

🌙 la lune (moon)

  • La lune brille dans le ciel nocturne. (The moon shines in the night sky.)

🖤 le chat noir (black cat)

  • Un chat noir traverse la rue. (A black cat crosses the street.)

🏚 la maison hantée (haunted house)

  • Beaucoup pensent que cette vieille maison est hantée. (Many believe that the old house is haunted.)

Alright, that is it for our Halloween words, now let’s do a quick recap!

  • la sorcière (witch)

  • Le sorcier (wizard)

  • le fantôme (ghost)

  • la citrouille (pumpkin)

  • le vampire (vampire)

  • le monstre (monster)

  • la toile d'araignée (spiderweb)

  • la chauve-souris (bat)

  • le loup-garou (werewolf)

  • le zombie (zombie)

  • le bonbon (candy)

  • les déguisements (costumes)

  • la lune (moon)

  • le chat noir (black cat)

  • la maison hantée (haunted house)

Et voilà, now you know 15 Halloween words in French. I hope you enjoyed today’s lessons! If you want to practice, head over to the French Made Easy Exercise Library to download your exercises! All the links are on your podcast platforms.

À bientôt! 🖤


If you enjoyed learning Halloween words today, you'll love my new workbook! It's filled with fun, Halloween-themed activities to help you practice and improve your French basics. Great for beginners! 🎃✨

Grab your copy here!

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