125 - 25 Morning Routine Expressions in French


Wondering how to share your morning routine in French? This episode covers 25 expressions to help you describe it. ☕️

After the lesson, head over to the French Made Easy Exercise Library to practice!

Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.


Intro: Welcome to the French Made Easy podcast, where I give you all the basics you need to speak French clearly and confidently. I'm your host, Mathilde, and I'm a French teacher, mumpreneur, and bread and cheese lover. Join me as I dive into all things French for beginners, and deliver to you bite-sized and easy-to-follow lessons every Tuesday. Let's get started, "on commence"!

Hello everyone! Bonjour à tous! Welcome back to the French Made Easy podcast. This is episode number 125, numéro 125!

Today, we're talking about morning routines. So we'll learn expressions that you can use to describe your morning routine. Next week, we’ll stay in the daily routine theme, and we’ll learn evening routine expressions.

Alright, so before we start, as always, if you're new to the podcast, please make sure you have your lesson's cheat sheet ready, so you can see the spelling of the words while you listen. And when you finish this episode, you can head over to the French Made Easy Exercise Library to download your lesson's exercises and practice what you've learned today. You'll find all the download links in the episode notes.

Let’s get into it, we have 25 expressions, plus example sentences! Make sure you repeat after me if you need to practice your pronunciation too. :)

  1. Se réveiller (to wake up) ⏰

    Il se réveille à 7h00 du matin. (He wakes up at 7:00 a.m.)

  2. S'étirer (to stretch) 🙆‍♂️

    Je m'étire pour bien commencer la journée. (I stretch to start the day off right.)

  3. Se lever (to get up) 🛌

    Elle ne se lève pas tout de suite quand son réveil sonne. (She doesn't get up right away when her alarm goes off.)

  4. Faire son lit (to make one's bed) 🛏️

    Elle fait son lit avant de commencer sa journée. (She makes her bed before starting her day.)

  5. Se doucher (to take a shower) 🚿

    Elle se douche rapidement le matin. (She takes a quick shower in the morning.)

  6. Se brosser les dents (to brush one's teeth) 🦷

    Nous nous brossons les dents après le petit-déjeuner. (We brush our teeth after breakfast.)

  7. Se brosser les cheveux (to brush one's hair) 💇‍♀️

    Elle se brosse les cheveux devant le miroir de la salle de bain. (She brushes her hair in front of the bathroom mirror.)

  8. Se raser (to shave) 🪒

    Il se rase tous les deux jours. (He shaves every other day.)

  9. Se maquiller (to put on makeup) 💄

    Elle ne se maquille pas pour aller à la gym. (She doesn't put on makeup to go to the gym.)

  10. Choisir ses vêtements (to choose one's clothes) 👗👔

    Choisissez vos vêtements la veille pour gagner du temps. (Choose your clothes the night before to save time.)

  11. S'habiller (to get dressed) 👕👖

    Mon fils s'habille tout seul maintenant. (My son dresses himself now.)

  12. Mettre son manteau (to put on one's coat) 🧥

    Mets ton manteau, il fait froid dehors. (Put on your coat, it's cold outside.)

  13. Mettre ses chaussures (to put on one's shoes) 👟

    Mets tes chaussures, on y va ! (Put on your shoes, let's go!)

  14. Prendre le petit-déjeuner (to have breakfast) 🍳🥐

    On prend le petit-déjeuner ensemble tous les matins. (We have breakfast together every morning.)

  15. Boire du café (to drink coffee) ☕

    Il boit un café chaque matin. (He drinks a coffee every morning.)

  16. Boire du thé (to drink tea) 🍵

    Vous buvez du thé ou du café le matin ? (Do you drink tea or coffee in the morning?)

  17. Nourrir le chat/le chien (to feed the cat/dog) 🐶🐱

    Les enfants nourrissent le chien avant d'aller à l'école. (The children feed the dog before going to school.)

  18. Vérifier la météo (to check the weather forecast) ☀️🌧️

    On vérifie toujours la météo avant de choisir nos vêtements. (We always check the weather before choosing our clothes.)

  19. Lire le journal (to read the newspaper) 📰

    Il lit le journal avant de commencer sa journée. (He reads the newspaper before starting his day.)

  20. Écouter la radio (to listen to the radio) 📻

    Est-ce que vous écoutez la radio en vous préparant ? (Do you listen to the radio while getting ready?)

  21. Vérifier ses e-mails (to check one's emails) 📧

    Je vérifie mes e-mails dans le train. (I check my emails on the train.)

  22. Faire de l’exercice/du sport (to exercise) 🏋️‍♂️

    Je ne fais pas de sport le matin, je préfère en faire le soir. (I don't exercise in the morning; I prefer to do it in the evening.)

  23. Accompagner les enfants à l'école (to accompany the children to school) 🏫

    J'accompagne les enfants à l'école avant d'aller au travail. (I accompany the children to school before going to work.)

  24. Aller au travail/à l'école (to go to work/school)🚶‍♀️

    Elle va au travail à pied quand il fait beau. (She walks to work when the weather is nice.)

  25. Prendre le bus/le train (to take the bus/train) 🚌🚆

    Est-ce que vous prenez le bus ou le train pour aller au travail ? (Do you take the bus or train to go to work?)

Alright, let’s do a quick recap!

  1. Se réveiller (to wake up) ⏰

  2. S'étirer (to stretch) 🙆‍♂️

  3. Se lever (to get up) 🛌

  4. Faire son lit (to make one's bed) 🛏️

  5. Se doucher (to take a shower) 🚿

  6. Se brosser les dents (to brush one's teeth) 🦷

  7. Se brosser les cheveux (to brush one's hair) 💇‍♀️

  8. Se raser (to shave) 🪒

  9. Se maquiller (to put on makeup) 💄

  10. Choisir ses vêtements (to choose one's clothes) 👗👔

  11. S'habiller (to get dressed) 👕👖

  12. Mettre son manteau (to put on one's coat) 🧥

  13. Mettre ses chaussures (to put on one's shoes) 👟

  14. Prendre le petit-déjeuner (to have breakfast) 🍳🥐

  15. Boire du café (to drink coffee) ☕

  16. Boire du thé (to drink tea) 🍵

  17. Nourrir le chat/le chien (to feed the cat/dog) 🐶🐱

  18. Vérifier la météo (to check the weather) ☀️🌧️

  19. Lire le journal (to read the newspaper) 📰

  20. Écouter la radio (to listen to the radio) 📻

  21. Vérifier ses e-mails (to check one's emails) 📧

  22. Faire du sport (to exercise) 🏋️‍♂️

  23. Accompagner les enfants à l'école (to accompany the children to school) 🏫

  24. Aller au travail/à l'école (to go to work/school) 🚶‍♀️☀️

  25. Prendre le bus/le train (to take the bus/train) 🚌🚆

Hopefully you enjoyed this episode. Don’t forget to head over to the French Made Easy Exercise Library to download your exercises. All the links are in the episode notes. I’ll chat next week for evening routine expressions in French!

À bientôt!

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