127 - 20 Evening Routine Expressions in French


Wondering how to share your evening routine in French? This episode covers 20 expressions to help you describe it. 🌜🌟

After the lesson, head over to the French Made Easy Exercise Library to practice!

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Intro: Welcome to the French Made Easy podcast, where I give you all the basics you need to speak French clearly and confidently. I'm your host, Mathilde, and I'm a French teacher, mumpreneur, and bread and cheese lover. Join me as I dive into all things French for beginners, and deliver to you bite-sized and easy-to-follow lessons every Tuesday. Let's get started, "on commence"!

Bonjour tout le monde! Hello everyone. Welcome back to the French Made Easy podcat. This is episode number 127, numéro 127!

Today, we're talking evening routines. You'll learn 20 expressions to describe your evening routine. Last time, that was episode number 125, we covered morning routines, so this is a great continuation.

As always, if you're new to the podcast, please make sure you have your lesson's cheat sheet ready, so you can see the spelling of the words while you listen. And when you finish this episode, you can head over to the French Made Easy Exercise Library to download your lesson's exercises and practice what you've learned today.

You'll find all the download links in the episode notes.

Let’s jump right into it, with 20 expressions and examples! Don't forget to repeat after me for pronunciation practice. :)

  1. Rentrer à la maison (to come home) 🏡

    "Je rentre directement à la maison après le travail." (I come home straight after work.)

  2. Enlever ses chaussures (to take off one's shoes) 👟

    "Il enlève ses chaussures en entrant dans l’appartement." (He takes off his shoes when he enters the apartment.)

  3. Se changer (to change clothes) 👗🔄

    "Elle se change avant sa séance de sport." (She changes clothes before her workout session.)

  4. Préparer le dîner (to prepare dinner) 🥘

    "On prépare le dîner ensemble tous les soirs." (We prepare dinner together every evening.)

  5. Mettre la table (to set the table) 🍽️

    "Les enfants mettent la table avant le dîner." (The kids set the table before dinner.)

  6. Dîner (to have dinner)

    "On dîne vers 19h tous les soirs." (We have dinner around 7 PM every evening.)

  7. Débarrasser la table (to clear the table)

    "Je débarrasse la table après avoir mangé." (I clear the table after eating.)

  8. Se détendre (to relax)

    "Après le dîner, je prends un moment pour me détendre et lire un peu." (After dinner, I take a moment to relax and read a bit.)

  9. Faire la vaisselle (to do the dishes) 🧽

    "Il fait la vaisselle après le repas." (He does the dishes after the meal.)

  10. Faire les devoirs (to do homework) 📚

    "Les enfants font leurs devoirs avant le dîner." (The children do their homework before dinner.)

  11. Prendre une tisane (to have an herbal tea) 🍵

    "Je prends une tisane avant d'aller dormir." (I have an herbal tea before going to sleep.)

  12. Regarder la télévision (to watch television) 📺

    "Nous regardons un peu la télévision pour nous détendre le soir." (We watch a bit of television to relax in the evening.)

  13. Lire un livre (to read a book) 📖

    "Elle lit un livre avant de s'endormir." (She reads a book before falling asleep.)

  14. Prendre une douche (to take a shower) 🚿

    "Je prends une douche chaude avant d’aller me coucher." (I take a warm shower before going to bed.)

  15. Se brosser les dents (to brush one's teeth) 🦷

    "On se brosse les dents après le dîner." (We brush our teeth after dinner.)

  16. Se démaquiller (to remove makeup) 💄

    "Elle se démaquille soigneusement tous les soirs." (She removes her makeup carefully every night.)

  17. Mettre son pyjama (to put on one's pajamas)

    "Mon fils met son pyjama après avoir pris son bain." (My son puts on his pajamas after his bath.)

  18. Éteindre les lumières (to turn off the lights) 💡

    "J'éteins les lumières avant de dormir." (I turn off the lights before sleeping.)

  19. Se coucher (to go to bed) 🛏️

    "Je me couche à 22h30 chaque soir." (I go to bed at 10:30 PM every night.)

  20. S'endormir (to fall asleep) 😴

    "Il s'endort toujours rapidement." (He always falls asleep quickly.)

And that’s all for the expressions, now let’s do a quick recap:

  1. Rentrer à la maison (to come home) 🏡

  2. Enlever ses chaussures (to take off one's shoes) 👟

  3. Se changer (to change clothes) 👗🔄

  4. Préparer le dîner (to prepare dinner) 🥘

  5. Mettre la table (to set the table) 🍽️

  6. Dîner (to have dinner)

  7. Débarrasser la table (to clear the table)

  8. Se détendre (to relax)

  9. Faire la vaisselle (to do the dishes) 🧽

  10. Faire les devoirs (to do homework) 📚

  11. Prendre une tisane (to have an herbal tea) 🍵

  12. Regarder la télévision (to watch television) 📺

  13. Lire un livre (to read a book) 📖

  14. Prendre une douche (to take a shower) 🚿

  15. Se brosser les dents (to brush one's teeth) 🦷

  16. Se démaquiller (to remove makeup) 💄

  17. Mettre son pyjama (to put on one's pajamas)

  18. Éteindre les lumières (to turn off the lights) 💡

  19. Se coucher (to go to bed) 🛏️

  20. S'endormir (to fall asleep) 😴

Et voilà! I hope you found this episode helpful. Don't forget to download your practice exercises from the French Made Easy Exercise Library. All the download links are available in the episode notes. I’ll chat with you next week! 🤍

À bientôt!

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